I just returned from a class at the Sweat Shoppe. I take classes there on a regular basis, normally morning classes. Tonight I had to take an evening class due to my daughter being out of school during the day for spring break. I really needed a cycle class and even though I was very tired I decided to take Rafael Garcia’s class at 7:30, which was the only time I could make it down there. When I got to the lobby of the Sweat Shoppe I noticed the cyclists lined up to take Rafael’s class were not the usual fit, tight body, sexy dressed women I am used to from my morning classes. These women getting ready to spin in an 85 degree room for a full hour were slightly curvier women and a couple of men who appeared to be in average shape.  I was expecting Rafael’s class to not be as challenging to me as I am used to and I decided to ride as hard as I could anyway and get the most out of the class, no matter what.

Well I guess my presumption was going to bite me in the butt and prove me wrong!

First of all, Rafael’s music was pumping dance music – just what the doctor ordered on a Tuesday evening. It made me feel like I stepped into a pumping dance club and was ready to dance the night away.

Second, Rafael was taking us on a fast paced ride with lot’s of sprints, fast climbs, and some jumps. The tempo and the music definitely got my heart rate up, my muscles aching and my body dripping with sweat.

And last but not least, every single person in that room worked as hard as they could and were truly an inspiration. These women were not given the standard SoCal barbie doll body but nevertheless, they decided to work hard to be fit, healthy and Fitastic! Maybe they worked all day or took care of their families, but then they took an hour for themselves to work out very hard, in a VERY challenging environment. My hat goes off to them. The girl riding next to me thanked me after the class for being an inspiration and challenge for her, but it is me who has to thank her, she reminded me what Fitastic really means….it’s the spirit and motivation that drives all of us to be better, stronger, healthier, and to push ourselves to be our personal best.